Coin Trading core values prove to be the guiding principles behind our
phenomenal growth, helping it to become one of India`s leading direct selling
To Join Coin Trading Minimum age limit of member is 18 years.
Free Joining/Registration-Anyone can join in our company by filling up the
registration form and become an Inactive Member or Red ID.
To become an Active Member or get additional benefits you need to Green your ID .
For Activate Member Id or Green Id Direct Seller need to produce valid Receipt given
by the company registered outlet/franchisee Centre/Online.
Direct Seller/any desirable person is strictly prohibited to pay/ deposit any sum in
the company account for purchasing products or any purpose.
He /she will pay at the company registered outlet/ franchisee Centre/Online at the
time of getting product only.
Once you become green you will be eligible for all payout under my terms and
Admin will generate pin and member can topup their ids using desired E-pin only.